Can we?


The best way to protest against that American lunatic, who is being constantly supported by the USA and the West under the garb of ‘freedom of speech’, is to impose upon ban upon ourselves on use of American goods. We should not buy any product which bears American insignia or brand. We must adopt a policy in our houses that no American product is referred to. Let us resolve this on this day of protest. This self-imposed ban is applicable to rich, poor and even the government officials. This way we can also show our love and allegiance to our Prophet Mohammad (SAW). If all Islamic world follows this the US economy will have that last straw to break their back once and for all. Question is can we do that? Will our affluent class follow this? Will our government officials, including the ministers, do this? Yes, we can do it if we have the love, reverence and allegiance to our Prophet (SAW). This act will also convey a message to our foreign minister who is in USA for negotiation on Haqqani group and N Waziristan.