Who is running the government?


The Public Accounts Committee has taken up the matter of allotment of a 20,000 sqm prime plot worth billions of rupees at a very low price to one Adnan Asad of M/s Venus Pakistan Pvt Ltd said to be a relative of Pervez Musharraf without holding any public tendering. The manipulation reported is that in the first instance the KPT allotted these plots on rent for three months which it renewed many times, then in August “this year” the KPT Board without public tendering leased the plots finally for 25 years.
On talk shows the nation almost daily listens that the same faces with Musharraf are today in this government, same policies Musharraf adopted are continuously being followed by the present rulers etc. The end of these talk show discussions often repeated since four years is that General Musharraf handed over the charge to the present rulers under some international unwritten agreement the main conditions of which were that those taking over charge would “respect” him and would continue his policies. And this appears to be true seeing that no serious “honest and true” practical step has so far been taken nor is likely to be to get the Benazir murder investigation through and no serious effort made to get back Musharraf. Likewise, it also appears true in relation to the same old faces and policies that these rulers are honouring their commitment.
Rightly today still General Musharraf has his due and a larger share in the present government. Read the above news item of KPT plot and see the wording August “this year” meaning August 2012. KPT Board converted a three months lease into 25 years to his relative in these too tough media times, which ultimately means Musharraf still holds power and rule in the day to day running of our government.


  1. KPT is under an MQM Minister and this party continues to have cordial ties with Musharraf, under whose regime they enjoyed almost absolute control of Karachi and rest of urban Sind.

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