Taliban’s silence


The Taliban’s silence on blasphemous movie is amazing. Since 1996 Taliban have been portrayed as hardliner Islamists, always determined to act according to injunctions of Islam, keep the society free from all moral ills, striving for Mulims’ renaissance and check encumbrances made on religion. Unfortunately, these aims remained dreams and TTP turned turtle and became more ambitious for power. Repeatedly, it unleashed lethal terror on innocent Muslim brethren causing violence and death to the people of Pakistan.
Eventually, Taliban’s impoverished character painted them as savages having no sense of civility in the West. When Taliban were asked not to destroy ancient statues, they took it ultra vires Islamic statutes and bombed thousands of years old effigies to register their sincerity with Islam. Islam a religion of tolerance, love and affection has never been taken as such by Taliban. Instead a harsh, rude and crude attitude has always been displayed.
Amazingly, when the personality of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is attacked by western sycophant toadies, these pseudo torch bearers of Islam become numb and dumb. Their meaningful silence shows their agenda and casts shadows of doubt about their sincerity towards injunction of Islam.


  1. Silly comment. Taliban never believed in the road protests. They act, and remain silent until they act.

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