Dr Q and Mush


Recently Gen (retd) Musharraf who lives in London and Dubai said that Dr A Q Khan was no nuclear scientist. Instead of reacting against Musharraf, Dr Qadeer has lambasted three largest political parties in the country – PPP, PML-N and PTI. Dr Q already owns a political party hence criticism of his competitors might be justified. But it is Gen Mush’s comment about him that needs elucidation. Mush has treated Dr Q as an ordinary mechanic than an accomplished scientist. Dr Q reminds me of Mr ‘Q’ in James Bond movies. Q developed lethal toys for Bond to carry on a mission. Q was quick to be upset, especially when debonair Bond didn’t handle the sensitive gadgets nimbly. Sadly, Q died few years ago and one is not sure who now develops the sophisticated gadgets for the philandering Bond.
Dr Q was always fond of fame and popularity. He made political statements even when he held sensitive positions. Now it’s time he weighed his words carefully. It is better to be quiet and considered a fool than opening one’s mouth and leaving no doubt. The wise have said.


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