Gender strategy of police


Gender equality is about prospects, rights, and entitlement to human, social, economic, and cultural maturity with equivalent say in civic and political existence. Gender equality helps in facilitating the underprivileged group with their rights within a society. The main theme of gender strategy of police in Pakistan is equality with perspective. This milestone is achieved by the amalgam of diverse efforts from different working bodies like National Police Bureau (NPB) and GIZ (German Agency for International Cooperation) in their project Gender Responsive Policing (GRP). This gender responsive policy is prepared through a process of consultations with the police organizations of Pakistan.
The NPB has geared up this process by mainstreaming police representatives nationwide. The police department came up with different priorities in the form of gender strategy of police. The management of the police department played a vibrant role in formulating this gender strategy, and the ideas they floated were helpful in achieving healthy results. In preparing the gender strategy the Gender Crime Centre of NPB gathered statistics from nationwide police headquarters. This has helped in formulating the gender strategy of police in Pakistan.
The proper implementation of this policy will help in cultivating sensitive thinking, and will help in further induction of women in police.