The root cause of distrust


The root cause of distrust is that Sindh treats the Indus River as Sindh’s river, which it was until three rivers were lost to India. Now the whole country has to subsist on the three remaining rivers of which only the Indus has surplus flows from many tributary rivers. Tarbela dam was built to transfer water from the Indus to the canals in north and south Punjab which were previously serviced by Ravi and Sutlej rivers. The intent of the Indus Water Treaty could not have been to deprive these canals of the waters of Ravi and Sutlej without providing for replacement water from the western rivers. The CJ and TP link canals are supplying water from Tarbela dam to the canals in south Punjab. And the left bank canal at Kalabagh dam will supply replacement water to the canals in north Punjab. Without the left bank canal, north Punjab will not get any water from any dam on the Indus, be it Tarbela, Bhasha, Akhori, Dassu, Skardu or Katzara. With Mangla dam silting up progressively, two thirds of north Punjab will revert from irrigated to barani, with a 50 percent loss in national food production.


  1. The route cause of distrust is: Punjab is stealing Sindh's share of water for the one and half century. I suggest you to form a Commission comprising of retired Judges one from each province to probe has Punjab has usurp Sindh's share of water or not but you are continuously trying to mislead the people and is singing the song to cultivate new lands of South Punjab but why at the cost of Sindh .What about ruination of Indus delta – the sixth largest in the world, environmental disaster that occurred due not release of limited water agreed by all in Water Accord – 1991.

    Without implementation of articles in favour of Sindh of the Water Accord – 1991 and construction of new dams in Punjab would convert whole Sindh into desert

  2. Mr Sial has proved my point, he thinks that the Indus rivwer is only for Sindh and Tarbela dam was built only for Sindh. If south Punjab is taking its share from the water stored at Tarbela dam he thinks Punjab is stealing Sindh’s water. If the PPP government thought so it would have instituted a judicial enquiry long ago but the government knows that no such theft can take place with IRSA supervising the distribution of river waters. Also if water was available the government would have asked IRSA to allocate water for the Indus delta. Can he tell us how a dam in Punjab will turn Sindh into a desert when Punjab and Sindh will have equal shares in the dam and it will actually increase the flow in the Indus. Mr Sial conveniently ignores all these facts and keeps repeating his illogical arguments.

  3. I have very simple question when in Water Accord – 1991, it was clearly mentioned that limited water would be released downstream Kotri why after passing 22 years it has not been done. Plz do not forget, the matter was gone to IRSA where Punjab continuously opposed it. Plz see the record. Non release of water has resulted ruination of Indus delta, Environmental disaster and leaving 2.6 million dying in hunger and thirst living in area downstream Kotri and Arabian Sea in Sindh.
    Punjab is stealing water of Sindh. 10000 illegal water pumps are installed on both banks of River Indus in Punjab jurisdiction. Sindh govt has protested on it but in vain. Further during scarcity of water, Punjab practically do not share it many times despite mentioned in papers. Plz see remarks of Respected A N G Abbassi, chief of high level Technical Committee on water. I am sure had Indus delta been in Punjab, the attitude of people like you would have been different.

    I never siad giving water to Punjab means Punjab is stealing Sindh's share of water. Plz show some grace and do not try to mislead the people.

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