Won’t hold water


We live in a world where development and research in sciences and technology are essential for progress along with the vision of political establishment to appoint specialists at the helm in various fields as has been done by China, Turkey and Iran, to evaluate and make decisions, instead of a bureaucracy dominated by men who are jack-of-all-trades.
The decision on feasibility of Thar Coal project should have vested with a team of relevant specialists, instead of bureaucracy dominated by beneficiaries of kick back and commissions that accrue from imports. Our present predicament is enough to expose incompetence of this bureaucracy.
It is embarrassing to watch our media being involved in sensationalizing the unsubstantiated claims of some “inventor” having invented a water kit capable of producing energy to drive engines. Enough revenues are generated by private television channels to fund a preliminary scientific investigation, or to do a simple fact-check on Wikipedia, before telecasting such nonsense. It is unfortunate that leading television anchors (including Hamid Mir) are giving exposure to such ridiculous fantasies in these times when the internet would have revealed within a few clicks that hydrogen can be extracted from water through electrolysis, a fact as old as established as the chemical composition of water. The media could have sought services of our universities or scientific research institutions, instead of making a mockery of the public.
It is important to understand that metallurgical composition of engines depends on combustion characteristics of fuels used and the fact that research is underway for manufacturing of affordable metallurgy capable to withstand high temperatures of hydrogen fuel. Perhaps analysis of comparative costs of battery kits installed on imported reconditioned hybrid cars would elaborate my point. It took South Korea decades of research to acquire the metallurgical technology capable of withstanding temperatures to withstand combustion of petroleum fuel. The metallurgical composition of engines by reputed automobile manufacturers is a guarded secret. Pakistan even today has mere capability to assemble motor vehicles with imported engine kits.
Media organizations need to understand, that image of Pakistan as a country with human resources capable for scientific and technological development, suffers when such unsubstantiated fake claims are sensationalized. Living in the 21st century, a nation whose bureaucracy, press and political ruling elite are found displaying such lack of common sense would only further erode our image.


  1. This water kit man is a quack, and it is lack of professionalism when such claims are given undue coverage by a media which does not do some preliminary research itself. Any Double Shah making ludicrous claims can get coverage on prime time TV, if this rating businees is not regulated properly.

  2. Why did the PPP Federal Ministers like Khursheed Shah patronize this quack?. The credibility of the media stands dented by giving coverage to such unauthentic claims of crooks. The world has invested trillions of dollars for alternate energy and this goof claims to have invented such an alternate.

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