It’s Pakistan’s war


Though the Taliban have been defeated to an extent where they cannot seize large chunks of territory, yet the unpopular 11-year war in Afghanistan is not drawing to a close as they are still capable to mount suicide attacks on important strategic installations, such as August 16 terrorists attack on Kamra airbase in Pakistan and beheading of 17 innocent Afghan civilians going on a party during Eid festivities in Afghanistan.
Khaled Ahmed in his article captioned ‘Gen Kiayani’s War’ published in some newspapers has bitterly criticized Gen. Kayani’s statement at PMA Kakul on this Independence Day that ‘war on terror is Pakistan’s war’. The title of the article clearly reflects the intent of vested interests who want to destabilize Pakistan by spreading chaos in the people’s mind. It is understandable that when Gen Kayani said that the war against terrorism was Pakistan’s war, he meant that the extremist outfits have penetrated deep inside the nation’s heartland to carry out mayhem marked by suicide bombing. In retaliation, Pakistan’s security forces carried out successful ‘operation clean-up’ against militant outfits in the restive Khyber agency, Hangu, Swat, Dara Adem Khel, Bajour and South Waziristan. Resultantly, most of the terrorists not only went across into Afghanistan but were welcomed and now being used by foreign intelligence agencies to undertake terrorist activities in Pakistan. We are fighting these ruthless terrorists who have no regard for human lives. It is Pakistan’s war and Pakistan’s army is engaged in a war for its homeland security.
It is time to acknowledge this war as our own. Pakistan has lost over 40,000 of their citizens, including over 5,000 military personnel leaving besides enormous financial loss to infrastructure, to acts of terror. Until and unless we unite in our efforts to frustrate these elements and identify them as a recognized threat, the people of Pakistan will keep on experiencing such type of terrorist attacks.