Only part Pakistani


The biggest threat to Pakistan’s national security is the organized nexus dominated by foreign nationality holders that control its civil bureaucracy, security apparatus, State Bank, National Bank, PIA, Railways, CAA, FBR, CDA, PEPCO, KPT, OGDC, PSM, OGRA, Planning Commission, Finance Ministry, Foreign Service etc. The corruption trail and massive flight of capital because of this nexus has depleted our foreign reserves and brought this country to the brink of bankruptcy. Pakistan may be the only nation in world which discriminates against its own citizens for appointments, promotions within the country and abroad and gives preference to those who hold dual nationality and have no stakes in this country.
If we want our economy to recover, improve our security, the fate of this country and its decision making corridors must be strictly in hands of those whose loyalty to Pakistan is beyond any doubt not having given their oath of allegiance to any other country. It is imperative that those involved in crimes must be held accountable under the laws of Pakistan, which is only possible if those holding public offices, or important executive assignments and foreign postings, hold only a Pakistani nationality. All senior bureaucrats against whom highest judiciary, NAB, or ANF have ordered investigations on allegations involving billions of rupees pilferage and misappropriation have fled accountability and sought refuge in foreign countries whose nationalities they hold or where they have a residence status.
The sovereignty of Pakistan and its national interest are more important than individual interests or political exigencies. For democracy to strengthen, it is important that political parties and their heads are men or women holding Pakistani nationality only and all their assets must be located in this country.