Public ridicule of SC


A national TV channel broadcast a slanderous program on 13-09-2012 at 8PM in which a PPP jiala Faisal Raza Abidi openly and rabidly ridiculed the Apex Court of Pakistan with froth flowing from his mouth. Even the anchor was unable to curb the foul language hurled by Mr Abidi at the Supreme Court’s Hon’ble judges, especially targeting the Hon’ble Chief Justice which was highly disturbing for the audience. Such open contemptuous programs must not be aired on television screen which bring the apex court in disrepute while the accused judges are not present which is also un-Islamic.
It appears the television channel is also in cahoots with them to permit such an insulting and incendiary programme on air where a person could fulminate to his heart’s content at the absent judges of Supreme Court which left a bad taste in the mouth. A speedy contempt case ought to be instituted against Mr Abidi to discourage other persons of his ilk to indulge into disparaging remarks against Hon’ble judges of the apex court on television.



  1. Faisal Raza Abedi was just a male nurse working in Ankelsaria Hospital Karachi, before he became close to a street smart son of a cinema owner involved in petty crimes. He is the mad rabid dog of A to Z

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