Bhasha in doldrums


The national English press has revealed that World Bank is disinclined to fund Bhasha dam for the next 10 years but is interested for Pakistan to go far Dasu dam which is a run of the river project for power generation but no storage of water. WAPDA has righty shown preference for both water storage and hydel power dams as a priority.
This brings forth the urgency of going for Kalabagh dam for which there is no objection of WB for funding being located in a non-disputed area. If the Bhasha dam is in doldrums as at present, the govt must attempt to line up funds for Kalabagh dam.


  1. The 4 year delay by ADB has added $500 million per year to the $12 billion cost of the dam. Also deprived Pakistan of $8 billion at the rate of $2 billion per year. At this rate Pakistan has already lost 18 X 2 = 36 billion dollars for not building Kalabagh dam

  2. Pakistan should take up the matter with ADB strongly, When India is building dams in disputed areas why not we (Bhasha Dam).

    It was inefficiency of Jamaat Ali Shah, who deliberately kept Pak Govt in dark in order to allow India to build dams in disputed areas.

    WAPDA is concerned, they are totally deaf, dump and blind as well as release of limited water as envisaged in Water Accord – 1991 downstream Kotri and its pending survey is concerned esides ruination of Indus delta.

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