Beginning of the end?


Mr Arif Nizami in his recent article “Beginning of the end?” (11 August) has discussed the situation going on between the government and the judiciary on the issue of writing a letter to Swiss authorities. Asma Jahangir has always been very critical about higher judiciary and her comments have always been one sided; therefore, her present utterances are just in line with her rigid stand being followed for years. The Supreme Court has set a precedent by sending home the prime minister for not carrying out decision of the apex court. How could the Supreme Court go back on its own stand and treat PM Raja Parvez Ashraf’s case differently? This would mean that their earlier decision was wrong.
PPP has a track record of ridiculing courts and this case should not be seen in isolation. What happened in Lahore High Court, how a sitting judge was arrested while hearing case in Sanghar etc are a few examples. The case has unnecessarily been dragged and people are fed up and want the drop scene quickly. In fact, such high profile cases should be decided within few weeks instead of dragging these to painful limits. The stance of the PPP on the issue is very clear. What is preventing the Supreme Court to take a final decision instead of falling prey to delaying tactics?
We cannot blame higher courts for judicial activism because the executive miserably failed to tackle even simple issues. We have been all along talking about poor governance. Under the circumstances who will bell the cat? Certainly, the apex court. It is very sad that the decisions of apex court are flouted and reaction by the government is annoying. The writer has rightly summed up that these are all delaying tactics. How can you pass a bill in few hours meant to save few individuals and then talk about parliament’s supremacy?
Situation across the border is different, they respect the judiciary, and their Supreme Court has struck down various amendments passed by the house that were against or sought to alter the basics of the constitution. There is no going back by the Supreme Court the last hope of Pakistan, it is the government that has to show flexibility. I don’t blame government also because 65 years history of Pakistan has seen judiciary being used by executive to suit their convenience. It will take time to understand the present realities and changes cannot be expected overnight.