A sad state of affairs


This is with reference to the mosque burned to the ground in the Midwestern United States on August 6 in a hate attack, less than a day after a deadly shooting at a Sikh temple of Wisconsin.
These incidents are not only sad but also alarming to see the growth of subculture of hate in US against minorities. The killing of worshippers at a Sikh shrine in the US is indeed a senseless act of violence and should have been condemned by all those who value humanity. The point of concern, however, here is that burning of mosque was no less an important news than the killing at Sikh shrine in US. But sadly, the shameful incident of setting mosque on fire is not receiving the same national attention as that of shooting at Sikh shrine, what to speak of international attention on the incident.
Here it is also pertinent to note that the shooting in Sikh shrine is being treated as an act of domestic terrorism committed against Sikhs who wear turbans and keep their beards long, characteristics that lead them to be confused with Muslims. It is upsetting enough that there are people who immediately suspect men wearing turbans or having beards as terrorists, Muslims of scheming to commit acts of violence and in same capacity eyes mosques with suspicion. This growing indiscrimination against Muslims and hate crimes against them in the west needs to be challenged. It is time that the double standards of the west be exposed by own national media and extend as mush security to our Muslim brethrens living abroad as possible. It is also requested to own media mongers to given more media coverage and condemnation for the rise of unjustified hate attacks on Muslims and their holy places all over the world rather than pleading other’s cases.