Chaotic traffic


In recent times, traffic predicaments have become a grave issue. In Lahore, it is getting worst day by day. One encounters troublesome traffic block particularly in the morning, when people leave for their offices and students for their universities. Same situation is faced in the evening when everyone is returning back. Major issue these days are the traffic jams at the time of Aftar, sometimes resulting in worst conditions like people spending Aftar time in cars waiting for traffic wardens, who hardly come, to resolve the issue.
There are myriads of reasons behind traffic mess. Unprecedented rise in vehicular traffic is the major cause behind it. Other issues are added in this vehicular anguish to make the circumstances even worst. These including inefficient traffic management system, violation of traffic rules, negligence of traffic wardens, VIP movements, lack of proper transportation system, constructions without provision of alternate routes, and lack of patience and traffic sense among the citizens.
The Punjab government should consider this issue and should take several measures as soon as possible before it gets out of hand. We can handle it simply with responsible attitude, determination and prompt action by the government. Special measures should be taken in this Holy month of Ramadan.