Of broken promises


The blackouts during Sehri and Iftar times is yet another broken promise of Prime Minister Raja Pervez Ashraf in a long line of fragile promises made in the past. While the prime minister looks fresh and fair on the television screen, the baton-charging of a crowd of poor women gathered for getting some atta is in stark contrast to the smugness on prime minister’s face. This shows that things are slipping from the hands of the prime
minister while the president looks blissfully chairing various meetings least concerned with the disturbing images of poor women biting dust just for a few kilos of atta. There goes the slogan of “roti”, kapra and makan”.
The rulers have no right to reside in palatial mansions while the poor women grovel in dust seeking a few morsels of bread. The rulers are responsible for even a dog not going hungry. Here the people are going hungry while well-fed rulers and politicians with their manicured moustaches mock the abject poverty of hungry masses during the holy month of Ramzan.