Beyond cult of personalities


The conclusion of poll results in NA-151 for the seat of the former prime minister Gilani proved that most citizens of Pakistan value personality over ideas. Abdul Qadir Gilani is known mainly of his last name and that too due to its allegiance with the Bhutto clan. Whatever the case, this is true for the majority of Pakistani political parties whose rallying call is based on their leadership brand. PPP has Bhutto, PML(N) has Nawaz Sharif, MQM has Altaf Hussain, PTI has Imran Khan and so on.
While charismatic leadership is important in rallying people, it should not turn into a cult of personality. On the contrary, true leadership is not to dominate but to motivate a nation in achieving its goals. Personalities die or falter due to inherent imperfections in each of us, but ideas live on. The solution-oriented manifesto of each party should be the basis of decision-making while popularity should never be judged by the scores of people in rallies but by the dedication and commitment to the correct ideology in serving the people of Pakistan and beyond.