Campaign against polio


Pakistani TV channels are showing ‘Boom Boom Afridi’ asking his viewers in Urdu and Pashto whether they would select crutches or a bat for their children. In fact this message is for hundreds of thousands of Pakistani Pashtuns and Afghani refugees living in tribal areas and elsewhere, who are reluctant, or put it this way, have refused to permit vaccination of their children against polio virus. It’s being estimated that over 250,000 children in tribal areas alone will not receive polio vaccination this year. Taliban are on the offensive war footing to convince a large number of tribal Pashtuns that polio vaccine is being administrated on the behest of the West and it is to sterilize their children.
To counter this false propaganda, UN has nominated Shahid Afridi, himself a Pashtun from Khyber tribal agency, as Polio Champion for this cricket-crazy nation. How far Shahid will be able to convince his people, only time will tell. However, things appear to be more difficult this year as some of the tribal commanders who generally don’t take a fight with Pakistan Army such as Mullah Nazir and Hafiz Gul Bahadur have also banned the vaccination in areas under their control. They have conditioned the polio vaccination with the stoppage of drone attacks. Wish someone may tell these Taliban commanders that in absence of vaccination, there is no need for drone attacks. They are intentionally risking the lives of thousands of their innocent children, then why do they need another enemy?
Unfortunately we are entrapped in an Anti-West fever, will not gain anything positive for our children. No one shall be surprised with the sharp increase in polio cases in Pakistan. One fears that this virus, if not controlled at this stage, may spill over to other countries. Pakistan, Afghanistan and Nigeria are the three unfortunate countries wherein polio vaccination campaigns have been hampered by self-appointed religious reformers (in case of Pakistan and Afghanistan, it’s Taliban and in Nigeria, it’s Boko Haram who have stopped the vaccination).
It’s a failure on the part of government, civil society, religious scholars and media who are way behind in this fight against ignorance and darkness.
It’s so unfortunate.
Jubail, Saudi Arabia


  1. No its these vaccines that put children at risk! Its not without reason the the USA HAS BANNED THE ORAL VACCINE IN THEIR OWN COUNTRY. And the numbers speak for themselves:

    Last month, Anthony Gucciardi revealed in his article, published in Natural Society, that close to 80% of recent polio cases IN PAKISTAN are reported among children who had been vaccinated for polio. This is a shockingly high figure: of 136 polio cases, 107 were those vaccinated for the disease.

    80% of polio cases because of the living virus vaccine that our children get forced to eat. Its not educated and enlighted, as you all seemingly want to be, to just blindly follow the west. Go en check yourself what your children get in to their bodies! These are our kids we have the right to know!

    See this link:

  2. >>of 136 polio cases, 107 were those vaccinated for the disease.

    …out of how many vaccinated? you misunderstand statistical analysis. 80% of the number of cases of polio were caused by the vaccine. that sounds high, but if there were 10 cases of polio, and 8 people got the vaccine, it would still be 80%.

    the actual number you are looking for is the total number of vaccinations divided by the number of cases of polio due to vaccine. there were more than 19 million people vaccinated in 2011. there were 1140 cases of polio. that is 0.0000073%

    thats a little different from 80%

  3. Of the 136% of polio cases 107 where of children already vaccinated, who got polio because of the vaccine…

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