Kalabagh dam


So far 192,865 votes have been cast in the MQM-H referendum on Kalabagh dam with 89 percent in favour. A spokesperson of the party has appealed to the nationalist parties to accept the results of the referendum in the larger interest of the nation. He said Kalabagh dam was essential for development and progress of Pakistan. Kalabagh dam was also essential for stability of Pakistan and for resolving the present energy crisis.
Electricity at economical rates would make industry grow at a fast pace. He deplored that thousands of textile and industrial units had been shifted abroad because of shortage of electricity resulting in massive lay-offs. He should also have reassured them that Punjab and Sindh would benefit equally from the additional supply of water for irrigation. Under the Water Accord of 1991 Punjab has reduced its share to increase Sindh’s share in all future dams. Equal share for both despite the vast difference in population and in the area under cultivation.


  1. The nationalists need to be told that agriculture is the back bone of Pakistan's economy, contributes 24% to GDP, earns 60% of the export revenues, provides jobs to half the labour force of the country and provides livelihood directly to 70% of the rural population, Punjab has 70% percent of the total crop area of the country, depriving Punjab of water will result in two thirds of Punjab reverting from irrigated to barani with a 50% loss in national food production

    • Pakistan is more important than notorious Kalabagh dam in Punjab. Punjab now must stop to usurp Sindh's share of water and also creating hatred against Sindh by spreading wrong information.

  2. Without the left bank canal at Kalabagh dam, north Punjab will not get any water from any dam on the Indus, be it Tarbela, Bhasha, Skardu or Katzara; two thirds of north Punjab will revert from irrigated to barani with a 50% loss in national food production.

  3. Kalabagh is not vital. The integrity and solidarity of Pakistan is vital. People like Khurshid Anwer wants to see weaken Pakistan in order to bring forcible consensus on Kalabagh dam in Punjab. Three out of four provincial Assemblies have already passed 10 resolutions against construction of notorious Kalabagh dam in Punjab.
    Forcible consensus are bound to weaken Pakistan and there should be impartial investigation against those who want to weaken Pakistan by constructing KBD in Punjab.

    To save Indus delta by releasing water as envisaged in Water Accord – 1991 922 years ago), Punjab has no interest.

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