“I am still around”


This letter is with reference to the two articles of Mubasher Lucman published in your esteemed newspaper.
I wonder why Mr. Lucman is explaining his role in the planted Malik Riaz interview when everyone is aware of the ‘facts’ our electronic media tells to the people. The majority of the media anchors only tell people what they feel is appropriate. Perhaps they believe that people with different ideologies, sects, and loyalties are not prepared to find out who is right and who is wrong.
Those few journalists and anchors who are committed to their profession have to pay a heavy price for reporting the true picture as TV channels are owned by persons with vested interests. Whereas the media considers itself the fourth pillar of the state, it should realise that working for the welfare of the people does not fall in the media’s domain and it is in fact the state’s responsibility to work for the country’s betterment.
Through this letter, I would like to remind Mr Lucman that Pakistanis are quick to forgive and forget and generally have poor memories. People have already forgotten the leaked off-camera footage of Dr Amir Liaquat and the astonishing Maya Khan episode. They will also forget your lapses and shortcomings in the near future. In the meantime, keep your spirit high and be honest to your noble profession.


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