Teachers’ recruitment policy 2012 approved


The teacher’s recruitment policy 2012 has been approved by the Sindh chief minister and accordingly revised recruitment rules for the post of PST, JST and HST have been notified. Thus the recruitment against the vacancies available now will be filled on the basis of new recruitment rules. The last date for inviting applications for current round was June 20, 2012. It is hereby clarified that recruitment process for appointment of teachers was started in 2008. Written tests were conducted in 2009. As per recruitment policy 2008, the securing of 60 percent marks was not the only criteria for the appointment but there were also other indicators such as vacancy in respective union council/taluka and district, and standing on the merit list in the respective union council/taluka and district. Demand of protesting candidates for appointment order just on the basis of securing 60 percent marks is baseless and not in conformity with recruitment policy.