Our Chief Justice


Though Pakistan’s Supreme Court’s Chief Justice has announced to disassociate himself from the court bench hearing bribe and black mailing case against Chief Justice’s son –Aarsalan, one would wonder the adequacy of this action. More and more evidence is being surfaced which highlights the lavish living style of Aarsalan, mysterious expansion of his business (which he claims is of 900 million rupees worth) within last few years. It is quite difficult to digest CJ’s supporters’ argument that he was not aware of his son’s activities. We shall be honest enough to call a spade a spade. It’s Pakistan, not Western culture wherein generally a father can claim that he is not aware of his above 18 years old son or daughter’s activities. Close interaction among family members and joint family system keep everyone aware who is doing what.
Supreme Court is now getting into issue diversion tactics —- calling for Bahria Town’s (allegedly the bribes were paid on behalf of Bahria Town’s chief executive) income tax returns (ITR) record, copies of deals and land lease agreements etc. You may expect wrongdoings in the ITRs and lease agreements as is the way Pakistan’s construction sector works. But issues with ITRs or lease agreements are not going to prove anything for or against Aarsalan but will take the case into a totally different direction.
It is feared that CJ’s presence in the Supreme Court may influence the whole case and its outcome. Therefore, it’s quite fair to demand, as is expected from tainted ministers and bureaucrats, that Chief Justice shall proceed on a long leave during the time his son’s case is heard, judgement is passed and appeal process (by either party) is completed.
Jubail, Saudi Arabia