Kayani turns his back on US envoy


Chief of Army Staff General Ashfaq Kayani refused to meet US Assistant Secretary of Defence Peter Lavoy following Defence Secretary Leon Panetta’s accusations regarding Pakistan harboring insurgents and providing them safe havens.
Panetta had said during his recent visit to Kabul that Washington was running out of patience with Islamabad over its reluctance to go after the Haqqani network in the Tribal Areas.
Panetta did not stop just there, falling short of declaring a full scale war with Pakistan when he said on Saturday that the US was at “war in FATA”, adding that the US was willing to “do whatever we have to do to protect our forces”. Sources said Kayani refused to give a time slot to Lavoy for a meeting despite repeated requests during his two-day visit. “The army chief conveyed to the Pentagon that due to his commitments, he could not meet the visiting US assistant secretary of defence,” an official said. However, Lavoy tried his best to have a meeting with Kayani.
“During the last three days, Lavoy constantly remained in touch with the General Headquarters (GHQ) for a meeting with the army chief,” the source added. The official said the Pakistan Army was annoyed with the US drone policy for Pakistan and Panetta’s statement had only added fuel to fire in an already strained relationship. Lavoy is apparently a pro-Pakistan member of the US administration and he had strongly objected to a resolution moved by Congressman Dana Rohrabacher in February this year that demanded the right to self determination for the people of Balochistan. Meanwhile, a diplomatic source said the second round of Pak-US talks on the resumption of communication line for NATO had also failed. “Peter Lavoy will now leave the country late on Sunday or early Monday with empty hands,” the source said. However, an ISPR official denied the report that Kayani had refused to meet the US assistant secretary of defence, saying the meeting could not take place due to Sunday being a weekly holiday. “Saturday and Sunday are off in the army also,” he added. US embassy acting spokesmen Robert Raines said no meeting was on schedule between the army chief and Peter Lavoy. “The US assistant secretary of defence, however, had a meeting with his Pakistani counterpart,” said Raines.


  1. Well, there goes kiyani's hopes of a green card after he is out of the office. I guess he could still be a state guest at adiala. gillani and zardari could be his neighbours 🙂

      • He is becoming very unpopular with younger officers. After he is out of the uniform, I bet you there would be all kinds of corruption and other charges against him. he knows that. He would just about do anything to secure a greencard. Any govt. other than ppp will not be kind to him. He will run away to save his skin. Wether he gets a green card will depend on his level of cooperation with the US.

  2. Well done Mr Kayani you are giving a taste of our own medicine. To be honest this is the language we understand best.

  3. Obama started acrobats to offend Muslims in order to please Zionists since Zionist keep blaming that he is Muslim. Obama has brought the relations between two countries where from here on they will drift further apart.

  4. it is not turning back towards anyone. He was an Assistant Secretary and as per protocol his counterpart is Additional Secretary of Foreign Affairs. He received and him and discussed the matters of mutual interest.
    If previous Pakistani administration had violated the protocol rules, it is not present Pakistani administration's responsibility to fix these. Let us play by the rules.

  5. “Saturday and Sunday are off in the army also,”an ISPR official said.
    I hope the hindians or amreekans dont attack us during the weekend, as the khakis will have a day off.

  6. Kiayani is learning from gillani. Talk tough in public. How about some action? How about stopping drones instead of just making statements. We'll believe kiayani has some courage when he starts defending the territoial integrity of Pakistan with the 6th largets nuclear armed army in the world and the millions he gets paid to do his job. Untill then, its all talk.

  7. Okay, now let's see what happens when U.S stops next tranche of CSF, Kerry-Lugar aid, World Bank-IMF borrowing, supply of F-16 and its spares etc. Oh, I forgot. The Chinese will rescue you. Like they did in 1971 and 1999.

    • Please – Every Pakistani is sick of American aids (read AIDS or bribes). Average people have rarely rarely benefited from that money. Shut down the aid and let us live as any other country on the planet

      • .
        True …

        But you have to start with the military. They are the biggest beneficiary of the aid. How else can they buy 'E-3C hawkeye' for $33 million (under Foreign Military Assistance) million or the last NATO supply route arrangement ($265 per container) that goes to NLC (own by the Fauji Fund – which in turn is owned by the Pak. Army) …

        But you are right – no amount of foreign aid reaches to common people. Everything is skimmed off …

  8. Kayani should have held a top general responsible for Abbotabad fiasco when Osama was found there and his men did not know about it. Credibility is what is lacking today not just for political leadership but our khakis also. Sad but True.

    • The only people who don't have self respect are sadly in the highest offices of Pakistan i.e. President, Prime Minister, and Parliament

    • I have also heard that your PM Manmohan Singh, in private, openly confesses that if possible, he will settle the Kashmir dispute in a day to move the region forward!!

    • Ah the usual indian trash
      1948 When we liberated half of the Kashmir, You call that winning?
      1965 When we pushed you back from the International border, Humiliated IAF, You call that winning?
      1971 Failed at Western front, Only managed to get tiny piece of land separated from mainland by 2000km
      1999 Again from military POV, You were caught pants down. 560 Indian army men killed without a major fight. Lost fighter jets, Only media propaganda makes you think you won.

    • hey you J _ck a _ _ Indian, why do you get here always!! Care for your future mate! All those crooked politicians, ambanies & Tatas are packing bags and shifting their buck to Switzerland !! The Dessault 10 billion dollar deal with France has only been done coz french laws allow bribery!! First look back into your quarter then comment over here!

  9. Another attempt to strike our fake bravado. Stop these antics mr kayani. You are a hollow army which is the reason of all the ills in Pakistan and deliberately put up pathetic politicians and weed the good ones to show the politicians are bad. Down with Pak army. Allah save us from them

  10. As far as talks are concerned, this is the right response, that is how it should be. Actually diplomatic language is the language of deceiptand. Diplomacy is the name of double speak.

    • As far as talks are concerned, this is the right response, that is how it should be. Actually diplomatic language is the language of deceit. Diplomacy is the name of double speak.

  11. The only way to ensure our independence is to become economically independent. And the only way to economically independent is that every citizen of Pakistan must pay Income Tax honestly. If the income is taxable, whatever may be the vocation, we must pay. Let there be no exemptions. If we are not ready for it, then bow before American dogs and be very clear in your mind that it is because we have tax evaders, nay, tax thieves in our society.

  12. India won all the four wars and had very little casualities.
    As far as kashmir is concerned, the situation of militancy is continuously declining fastly.
    You can check UN reports of 2012 on kashmir. There are only three reports of violence have been reported in kashmir since october 2011. All this has become possible after Kashmir govt imposed ban on entry of pakistanis in the region. Now you can understand who is responsible for violence in Kashmir. India’s sympathy is always with people of pakistan but we are strict enemy of pakistani army and govt.
    There are 10 lakh tourists visited kashmir this year which is highest after independence.
    Kashmir gdp has also increased, hindu population also increased.
    You can compare today that Kashmir in India is far peaceful than any of your Pakistani towns like Islamabad, karachi, queta, lahore or waziristan.

  13. @Patriots of Pakistan
    This display of courage will go a long distance.
    America must learn to respect others.

  14. Let show them what we have and sacrifice our for the betterment and forever peace for other Muslim countries. let nuke each other (us and Pakistan ). and before they nuke us let also nuke India and Israel. those are the real devils on the face of this earth.

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