Just a week more, Kayani tells US


As an ISAF delegation led by General John Allen arrived here to put pressure on Pakistan for reopening NATO supplies, Chief of Army Staff General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani reportedly told the visiting emissaries that the government would take the final decision on the issue in a week’s time.
The row between Pakistan and the United States over last year’s attacks by NATO aircraft on Pakistani border posts that killed 24 soldiers has been exacerbated by the US’ reluctance to tender apology and stop drone attacks – key demands put forward by Pakistan’s parliament for reopening NATO supply routes to Afghanistan.
The ISAF delegation arrived for the most significant talks that Pakistan has hosted with the international military alliance and the Afghan military for a year, in a sign that tensions between Pakistan and the US are easing. Sources said the Pakistani side pressed the visitors for an enquiry against those responsible for the Salala attacks, and reminded them that there had been no formal apology from the US. The Pakistani military said in a statement that preliminary meetings between General Allen and Kayani focused on “operations in border areas and coordination mechanisms to avoid untoward incidents”.
“The tripartite commission is expected to meet after the arrival of Afghan army chief, General Sher Muhammad Karimi on Sunday,” a senior security official told AFP. He said the date and time of the commission’s meeting would be disclosed later. The commission will focus on enhancing measures along the Pak-Afghan border and to improve co-operation at operational and tactical levels, the military said. Pakistani leaders are also scheduled to meet next week to discuss ending the nearly six-month blockade on NATO supplies. Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gilani will convene the meetings which will also debate how to repair relations with the United States in time to attend a key NATO summit later this month.


  1. This chief of the nucleared armed sixth largest army in the world is the biggest coward that Pakistan army has ever seen. He has not been able to defend the borders of the country but yet he will bow down to the American demands. A shame to his profession, kiayani should be tried for treason and hanged along side gillani, zradari and nawaz sharif.

    • Agreed.. they should all be tried. Across the board Accountability and cleansing is the order of the day. These guys think of themselves more and of the country less… we have become a laughing stock for the rest of the world.

      • yeah right, a soldier is worth more dead than alive. He should have said, NATO routes to open over my dead body! If he says so, he'll be more popular than anyone in this country!

        • He may become "popular" if Kayani follows yr advice, but it will be difficult for Pakistan to face the world. Better sense shud prevail over so called heroics.

    • Unlike you, Mubashir and I have good sound reasons to feel the way we do. Our sentiments are based on facts. Yours are purely emotional. Unless you can dispute what I say and back it up with facts, I suggest you just keep attending the ppp rallies and let yoyr leaders do all the thinking for you. I don't understand why would you be against accountability?

      • I agree with Kamran. As long as Kiayani is incharge of the army, it will keep being humiliated and abused. One person is ruining the whole image of the army in the entire world. Kiayani has exposed the weaknesses of Pakistan army. Once feared ISI has become the laughing stock of the world for their failures and incompetence. All this in happening under Kiayani's watch. He is the one responsible. I would not shed a tear if the hung Kiayani.

        • What army has accomplished during its rule? Generals r more corrupt than politicians. They saddle the courts. They hv no parliamentary opposition or intransigent media unlike democratic govts, and they go let-loose doing corruption. Remember, PTCL, and Steelmills. Upper bureaucracy do corruption but politician do a lot of mud-slinging and get bad repu. In reality, generals, bureaucrats, and judiciary are much more corrupt than politicians. just income tax bureaucracy embezzls 1000 billions annually, the amount 10 times the corruption done by politicians

      • What army has accomplished during its rule? Generals r more corrupt than politicians. They saddle the courts. They hv no parliamentary opposition or intransigent media unlike democratic govts, and they go let-loose doing corruption. Remember, PTCL, and Steelmills. Upper bureaucracy do corruption but politician do a lot of mud-slinging and get bad repu. In reality, generals, bureaucrats, and judiciary are much more corrupt than politicians. just income tax bureaucracy embezzls 1000 billions annually, the amount 10 times the corruption done by politicians

      • When you will talk abt accountability of generals, bureaucracy and judiciary? 1000 billion are gulped up by Income Tax authoroties annually, and noone knows about use of 88% of national budget for which there is no audit. Just one general took 1 billion bribe for giving NOC to constuction of Sharaton Hotel in Lahore Cantt. What will u say abt a CJ who got his son, a doctor, inducted into FIA. Think, man, think.

        • ALso consider the last 04 years of this Govt …Where is 40b$ gone??No energy, no infrastructure?

          • Which 40 b$ r u talking about? Just a reference. Consider forex reserve increased to 17 b$ from 8 b$ 4 yrs ago. Foreign remittence crossing 13b$ at the end of June 2012, exports rose to 24b $ from 17 b$ in 2008. Bumper wheat crop every year since 2008, and Pakistan exporting wheat every year. President Automobile Manufacturer saying vehicles' sale in rural areas increased by 15%. Look at the bright side.

          • Any reference of foreign debt figures? any idea about the dynamics of 13 billion remittances if it is in fact the recycling of corruption money that is quite rampant? Bumper crop is being paid at int'l prices from tax paid by commom toiling masses – and the landed class enjoying this bonanza of automobiles is not paying a single penny in income tax

        • Jabal, think about what you are saying. If there is no accountability and plenty of corruption, whose fault is it? It just shows zardari, gillani and the ppp govt.'s incompetence. You just admitted that politicians are not to be trusted and they are incapable of running the govt. Time for general to come forward and save the nation. I would like to see kiayani upside down on a pole along with gillani, zardari and nawaz sharif. I would also like to see Fiza batool, Asifa zardari and Marriam nawaz do a pole dance 🙂

  2. A cowad can do the same…He is actually an other Zardari in uniform…Really a shame….

  3. Hope in the end, it is not the case for Pakistan that it will agree to continue to work on the old pay?

  4. Kayani Sahb. Please just go

    Ever since Zardari/Gilani/Kayani/Pasha have been in the scene, the image of Pakistan has badly gone down

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