Using internet


Internet is an enormous source of information, fascinated communication and entertainment. However, the rapid increase in the use of the internet in recent years has led to misuse of internet especially among youngsters.
This technological advancement is now an integral part of our lives but if not used for constructive purposes, this useful technology can also a huge problem and waste of precious time. Now it is the responsibility of parents, teachers and the government to make it safe for new generation. The role of parents is very important in this regard. First they should educate themselves about internet usage and then guide children. Tell children about the importance of time and ask them to make the most of it. Teach them the difference of right and wrong. Share their feelings and their interests. Help them discover websites that can help them with their homework and hobbies. Also warn them to be careful of online frauds. Other social activities should be encouraged. Make sure that the computer is in a common area of the home where you can monitor online activities. Some filtering softwares are also available in market to prevent the use of unsuitable information available on net.
To guide the new generation is our first and foremost responsibility. A little effort will contribute a lot for a bright future.