Testicle-biting dogs for English hooligans


From testicle-biting police dogs to sonic cannons capable of inducing involuntary urination, Polish anti-hooligan squads have an array of weapons ready for potential trouble-makers at Euro 2012. The English-language Krakow Post newspaper asserted in an editorial that local law enforcement agencies were more than ready to tackle any hooligan threat at England’s southern Poland base camp. “The Polish police are going to come down on troublemakers like a bag full of anvils and you don’t want to be there when it happens,” the paper warned. “Krakow has a long history of hooligan violence-the local police have seen it all before and they will ruin your day if you try it on. “These lads’ mums and dads rioted under Soviet machine guns — a few chairs thrown by beered-up fans is not going to intimidate them.