On corruption


Corruption is a menace that is eating up our society. While some corruption will always be endemic to state structures and society, corruption on the level and scale seen in Pakistan must be countered. While many factors are contributing to the worsening of our economic condition, corruption is probably one of the biggest factors contributing to crippling it.
How can a country flourish when children of the head of state are involved in many scams? How can a country develop when a large chunk of its population evades and cheats on their taxes and with the collusion of the authorities? How can a country prosper where it is easier to steal electricity by paying a nominal bribe than to honestly pay one’s electricity bill? How can a country grow when FDI is trickling to a minimum and investors openly say that they do not invest in Pakistan because the level of corruption is so high there? How can a country develop where some military contracts in which people make a killing are beyond audit and accountability to begin with?
It is only when corrupt people are punished properly and proper accountability mechanisms are put into place that this rot affecting our society can be stemmed.