The drones


CIA drone has become a household name with us and in Yemen. In both Muslim countries, the mighty superpower is chasing so-called the terrorists. Drone is a favourite weapon of the US because it is pilotless; therefore, there is no chance of loss of life that upsets the Americans.

Good Americans are happy-go-lucky people, least bothered about their military, air force and CIA killing innocent people living in their own countries thousands of miles apart, as long as no body bags arrive back home. Dead Americans and Brits reaching home cause a huge uproar unlike us where other than the VIPs, human life is cheap.

Every day there’s a drone attack, innocent people die, and nothing at the level of ‘popularly elected government’ stirs. The other day, when a group of friends discussed drone attacks and their ramifications, someone came up with a novel idea.

He suggested calling Americans and Brits, drones. That’s how much we should care for them as they care for us. I remember our English teacher in school used to call casual and careless boys as ‘useless drones’. None of us then realised that some of our innocent compatriots someday would fall prey to drones.

