Exams in hot summers


The annual examinations are held in sizzling summer every year. They should instead be held during moderate season. The combination of electricity shortfall and a burning summer during exams is a grave problem that the postgraduate students are facing these days.

Final examinations of Punjab University are being held in the month of June and July. Students are unable to study because of 14 to 16 hours of loadshedding even in major cities, like Lahore, where the temperature remains above 45 C these days.

The government has already turned its back on the citizens who are surrounded by myriads of problems. In spite of protests made by citizens, the government has failed to solve the electricity issue and there seems no end to it. In such situation who will care about the future of the students – the future of Pakistan? Educational boards and universities should rationally consider that we live in a country where summer is extremely hot and power outages are a bitter reality.

