A wake up call


It is time for the people of Pakistan to wake up and decide, that from now on, they will not allow any politician to decide the fate of this country who does not consider this country worth living in for themselves, or their children.

Can we understand that a man like Musharraf, all of whose children were foreign nationals should have never been trusted with critical assignment of holding the command of our armed force? Had we not made this mistake, lives of Pakistanis would not be a living hell that he and those who succeeded him, have reduced it to.

We are talking of men who owe all their fortunes and fame to Pakistan, for whom this country provided all opportunities in life, yet they abandoned it by opting to pledge their loyalty to another nation.

On the other hand, there are Pakistanis who are forced by circumstances to seek refuge in other countries to earn for themselves a respectable salary and then repatriate all their savings to feed their families and buy assets in Pakistan, while the few who hold important portfolios send all of our foreign exchange through loopholes created within the system to their foreign bank accounts.

Those who are willing to come to Pakistan, only if they are in power, have no right to hold public office. It is because of such men for whom holding a nationality is not a life-long commitment, that Pakistan has become a haven for corruption and criminals.




  1. Every political party in Pakistan including PTI has few of these Dual nationality holders, who have earned money, fame and fortune in Pakistan, but have still taken up another nationality. A nationality of a country is like your mother, and there is only one mother that you can have. A Pakistani who has pledged an oath of loyalty to another country, revokes this relationship, the moment he takes such an oath. He may have an emotional attachment, but morally and ethicaly his loyalty should be with his new country.

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