TV talk shows


I wish to draw the attention of electronic media experts and channels seniors and directors to the messy talk shows that are being telecast these days. Almost all private or government control channels are telecasting shows on daily basis.

A talk show is supposed to be a forum where experts come and express their viewpoints on issue/s decently, cool-headedly and within. But our TV talk shows look like a mini-parliament or like WWW wrestling bout taking place. All participants shout and speak at the same time.

No one even listens to the anchor. There is complete commotion and pandemonium during discussion. They score their points by using extremely un-parliamentary language. They make faces and highly despicable gestures. They are taunting and sarcastic. They try to project decency which they don’t have and that includes female and male participants in as much.

The TV talk show turns into a battle ground where each party member seems to have the battle. Even some anchors go out of control. They go emotional and raise the pitch of their voices. I have even noticed that some anchors finish their programmes on conclusively consented viewpoint on a controversial issue and feel extremely happy over the results. Even some Federal Ministers use their positions to prevail upon other’s viewpoints.

I don’t think we can bring some civilization in a short period of time. Let me suggest that the speakers of all participants should be shut off except of the one speaking. The media people should frankly brief them on basic manners and norms before the start of this mock game.

The programme producer has lots of power and influence over the programme. That programme is going in ‘air’ and will be watched by ladies and children too. They must be made aware of that therefore some code of ethics must be observed.

