Collapsing social fabric


In the light of drones attacks, US threats to cut aid, SC verdict, Karachi carnage, PIA, Steel Mill, corruption in all ministries, excessive load shedding, appointment of incompetent people, promotion of favourites from grade 18 to 21 and hundreds of such episodes we tend to neglect the so-called minor incidents such as rape of minors, wayside killing of people, snatching of mobiles, loot of jewellers shops, black marketing, agitation here and there etc, which are being reported on electronic and print media have gone to occupy back seat in our society.

But the real truth is that tremendous increase in minor crimes is due to frustration in the minds of the people. Psychologically, people are deranged. They have fallen sick of the situation. Inability to feed family for more than 7-8 days in a month has crippled the minds of bread earners. Looking at deprivation of basic amenities to her children like nutritional food, education, school uniform, non-availability of books, rising cost of living, insecurity to family during the day and night and so many things have created chaos in normal marital lives. There is constant argument in the house and the main topic is income and money. What could have been a peaceful life have converted the houses into battlegrounds. The man of the house is helpless he has exhausted his limits.

People have lost their patience inasmuch as their morals and values. The ‘haves’ of the society are bursting with money while majority face hurdles starting from the rise of sun. This adds more fuel to the burning fire. This disorderly distribution of wealth has created a wedge. Men and women have resorted to corrupt practices of whatever they can do. Even children have resorted to violence in schools and home. Snatching things has become the name of the game. There are millions of occasions which remain unreported but one can see the tendencies of their bent of mind looking at the nature of crimes.

We have totally destroyed the fabric of society. Thanks to PPP from giving us nearly 5 years of democratic rule in the country. Let us re-elect PPP to power so that we can cook, eat and wear democracy day and night and feed our children. I want to particularly thank here, through your courtesies, Dr Firdous Awan, not genuine but nevertheless Dr Rehman Malik, Dr Asim and of course the whole gang of so well dressed up ladies and gentlemen of the cabinet headed by their handsome looking PM overseen by comedian looking President for giving Pakistan a gift which no one else could do in 64 minus 5 years of their tenure.

They have done everything ‘according to the constitution’, so says Dr Awan Sahiba. Damn this constitution and damn this democracy. The people have had enough of these silly terms. The so-called opposition too have nothing to offer to the poor masses except empty promises and slogans. But honestly speaking, will this game go on forever? An election is held in 2013 or not is no more an issue. The social fabric of Pakistan will collapse anyway under its own weight.

