Buses in shambles


The conditions of the buses plying in Punjab are wretched and pitiable. The windows are shattered, the doors are rusty and the seats are broken. The engines of these buses are not in a good working condition.

These buses are the basic source of air pollution due to the harmful gases they produce. The attitude of the conductor with the masses is offensive and impolite.

Sometimes, they take money from the people and don’t give them the tickets. When people demand their tickets, the conductor starts avoiding them. There is no one to whom they are accountable. There is no check and balance system due to which the workers take things for granted.

Unfortunately, our leaders in the sake of national interest and welfare of people do introduce new things but, after the inauguration, they forget about them. The chief minister of Punjab, Shahbaz Sharif, is acquiring more buses from the Chinese Company Ankai for ‘revolutionising’ the transport system in the province.

The question is what will happen to the buses which are already working in the province? New buses have been introduced many a time and their condition starts resembling that of the old ones after the passage of a few months. So, it’s far better to maintain the old buses and raise their standards instead of wasting more money on the new ones.

