Education is important


Education plays a pivotal role in the development of a nation, as it contributes to the development of human capital. Majority of economists believes that a substantial proportion of robust economic growth seen in western hemisphere is explained by their sophisticated education system.

However in Pakistan, the existing education delivery system has failed to meet the needs and aspirations of the society. Although private sector is playing its role effectively but because of deteriorating socio economic condition, its penetration is very limited in the grass root level.

The public, government-run schools, which educate the vast majority of children, are where significant reforms and an increase in resources are most needed.

Ours is a fractured society with people believing in different school of thoughts, holding diametrically different or conflicting opinions to commonsensical issues and this social schism is mainly explained by the widening gap between various schooling systems, ranging from the ultra modern grammar schools, to the highly conservative religious madrassahs.

The few initiatives that could be taken to improve the plight of education system in Pakistan are implementation of comprehensive literacy program, expansion of primary and elementary education, improving the quality of education through teacher training, higher education sector reforms, and fostering the public-private partnership. These initiatives if taken properly and in good faith, could revamp our education system.




  1. Hi there! You have highlighted a very good point. The problem of not being able to speak proper English is quite common across Pakistan. Even people on some of the highest positions, are not able to speak a single sentence with proper English resulting in a great deal of embarrassment for the country as well as themselves. Whether you’re a politician, cricketer or an artist, everybody needs to know proper English. It is an internationally known language and needs to be taught to every single person from primarily level. I hope our government would take strict actions regarding this matter.

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