Water, water


I want to draw the attention of the requisite authorities of Karachi to the desperate position of water supply in the city. The pressure of water is very weak and sometimes it takes hours to fill a small bucket. For reasons best known to the water supply authorities, companies that supply private tankers have endless supplies of water.

These companies charge Rs 1700 to 2100 per tanker. A person with a low income cannot afford to get a water tanker very often. The board usually blames KESC and laments that frequent power breakdowns have caused the water shortage in the city. How can someone possibly survive without water with temperatures rising up to 40 centigrade? The lower income groups do not have air conditioners and need water to deal with the rising mercury. But with so little of it, we hardly manage to do basic household tasks let alone refreshment.

The citizens of Karachi are facing a lot of difficulties on account of scarcity of water. They have to stay awake throughout the night to wait for the supply of water and people are seen carrying their cans and buckets in search of water. It is my request to the concerned authorities to look into the matter and take remedial steps.

