The curse of dowry


As you know that our society is supposed to be built on Islamic fundamentals and the country itself was founded in the name of Islam. But unfortunately like many other disgraceful legacies of the past which we inherited as a part of a mixed and secular social set up, this dowry system also became a part and parcel of this Islamic society.

Certainly, the concept of dowry itself is present in Islam but it forbids the ugly exhibition of wealth in the name of dowry. Let me say that this curse has poisoned the moral fabric of our social setup. The lust for attaining maximum out of son’s marriage has resulted in thousands of girls waiting for their suitable match. It has also resulted in the creation of a snobbish culture which was unknown to us in the past.

Since exhibition and practice of dowry has been prohibited by law in 1974, different other ways and means have been carved out to practice this curse. But it must be kept in mind that until and unless we make a drastic change in our hearts it would be almost impossible to correct this trend.

