Destiny or greed


Destiny of Pakistan to be ruled by despots in uniform and political mediocrity was not ordained by nature, but what we the people, have allowed our political leadership and paid servants of state to reduce it to, by their greed for ill-gotten wealth, real estate and unchecked power. After Quaid’s unfortunate death, those who succeeded him in their quest for a constituency, delayed framing of constitution and patronized the few who filed fake claims that set into motion a culture, where corruption, bribery and deceit have acquired the force of habit by those who acquired political power with their newly gotten black money.

Freedom was a gift given to us by our founding fathers, men of integrity like Quaid-e-Azam and Allama Iqbal, which we allowed to be eroded by our failure to protect it from vultures in form of opportunists. We cannot have inherited this from our religion, nor was it part of our culture. It is what we ourselves have allowed this country to be destroyed bit by bit, in the name of religion, or national security and our capacity to endure all these excesses.

From a democratic welfare state envisioned by Quaid, it became a country where exploitation became a norm and cartels like sugar, cement, fertilizers etc enjoyed state patronage by making impotent regulatory authorities like SECP, CCP, PPRA, NAB, FDA, ANF, etc and a judiciary that became slave to an abusive executive.

Today almost every powerful individual, who belongs to any major political party, or is, or has been, associated with civil and uniformed bureaucracy, has abused their public office to promote personal business empires, avoid taxation and yet consider themselves holier than the other, although they are part of the same rotten set-up.

We today face a crisis, where every state institution is collapsing or is in danger, yet the politicians be they from PPP, PML(N), ANP, MQM, JUI, PML(Q) or even PTI are failing to heed the warning that this country and its people no longer have capacity to endure any more abuse. While politicians blinded by their biases or greed stand divided, the Supreme Court which alone has any credibility is being rebuked.

Pakistan faces a constitutional crisis with a PM in office who has been convicted by SC for flouting its decisions with impunity, arrogance and no shame.




  1. So true. It is a shame that we have allowed our country to be raped repeatedly by few with no fear, nor any hindrance. Today we face humiliation of being the sole country with an elected PM, who has been convicted.

  2. God helps those who help themselves, destiny is what you make. Nature only programmes your birth and death due natural causes, rest is what you make of it. Responsibility lies with 180 million people who have allowed themselves to be fooled and exploited.

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