Acid victims


There has been an alarming rise in throwing acid on women. The southern part of Punjab has taken lead on this inhumane crime. The victim of acid burn suffers not only physically but also mentally. Most of the victims do not survive but those who do survive have to go through a long painful recovery, the victim’s rehabilitation is also a tedious and difficult work. The burn wards of different hospitals in Pakistan are full of these victims. The majority of the acid throwing victims are women, less than one percent are male. To know about the sufferings of these poor victims a tour of civil hospitals burn ward was taken.

The most common thing among them all or in most of the victims was that the crime was usually done by family member of these poor women. Illiteracy and poverty are the root causes of this problem which in increasing in Pakistan. It is requested to the higher authorities to look into this matter and high level of punishment should be given to those who commit these crimes and destroy the lives of many, not just the victim but also the victim’s family.

