They are not going back


There are many critics especially in Pakistan who feel that it was the US who abandoned Afghanistan in late 80s to its fate and that was the sole reason for all the evils we are today witnessing in the region.

Recently drafted Strategic Partnership agreement between Kabul and Washington stipulates that Americans can keep their military presence in Afghanistan for another decade after the battle-zone soldiers withdrawal scheduled 2014.

Though Americans’ main task would be to train and support the Afghan forces to take over the country’ security responsibility, however, it’s a clear message for Afghan-Pak Taliban that game is not yet over. Americans are not going to let Taliban to take over Kabul to make Afghanistan a launching pad for terrorism across the globe.

Though the agreement forbids Americans to use Afghan soil for attacks on neighbouring countries but same time it gives them right to take action against a third party interference in Afghanistan – means status quo to continue between the US and Pakistan.

Regardless of any strategic partnership, peace may remain elusive for Afghanistan unless a basic mistake is corrected. Having only a Pashtun President is not going to satisfy the political aspirations of Pashtuns (who are around 42 percent of the entire population). Afghan government has to give Pashtuns due share in governance, otherwise, Taliban will continue to exploit the nationalism for their own interests.

A wide range, open-minded political agreement with Pashtuns is the key to isolate Taliban. Pakistan also needs to review its position vis-à-vis Americans presence in the region. They are not going back this time!


Jubail, Saudi Arabia