Help others smile


Last night, I went to sleep thinking how much we hurt people everyday without even knowing we did it. It is never justified to hurt someone. At the end of the day, in the heart of our hearts, there should be a regret for all our sinful acts throughout the day.

And this is not something just typed for the sake of writing a letter. Bullying is the most culpable and sinful act that can ever be. I have been a victim myself and trust me, it hurts. But yet again, it helped me grow stronger.

Every now and then, we see people being bullied and leading lives of misery and we do not really bother. Life is not predictable. You never know what trouble befalls you and when. Just one simple act of love from us can help someone smile. Is it not worth it?

Shedding a tear for someone is far different from shedding a tear because of someone. Do not be the cause of someone’s damp eyes. All of us, at our own personal level, should take at least one moment out of our moribund lives to help someone feel good. Is it too much to ask for? I guess not!

