Beggary: a nuisance


I would like to draw the attention towards a serious matter of begging as a profession. The Pakistani beggar is not a pauper but a well-paid professional. Beggary is an offence in Pakistan as it is in every other civilized country, yet here it is allowed to be a thriving profession. We see beggars everywhere: we see then in narrow streets, public highways, outside luxurious hotels, on railway platforms, inside trains, outside mosques, in front of law courts etc. We see them singly or in groups.

Why are these lawless people allowed to move about freely? Why is no effort made to stop them from being a public nuisance and danger? There are three reasons. First, beggary is a very well-organised and widespread profession. It is an evil far too big for any ordinary remedy. It cannot be removed easily as the most cunning criminal brains are behind it. Among beggars there are thieves, robbers, kidnappers, spies, killers and so on. They are not afraid of the law.

Secondly, the municipal, police and government authorities are not quite determined in their anti-beggar campaign. They just put up notices and stick up posters and issue warnings to alms-givers. They appear to be weak, helpless and inactive.

Thirdly, the people are ignorant, emotional and superstitious. They do not understand the dangers of giving alms to beggars. The government must take an immediate action to control them.




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