Consider it at least


It is rather pitiful that a veteran politician Chaudhry Shujaat’s formula for ending electricity load shedding when presently recently at the National Energy Conference was brushed aside instead of being given due consideration at least at the appropriate level in order to provide much needed relief to the people, to make the industry wheels rolling again and ensure that employment opportunities, which are currently being curtailed due to no electricity and industrial units not working, are created.

It is rather strange that the rulers, at the national and provincial levels, keep claiming to be concerned about the welfare of the people but are somehow reluctant even to give due consideration to Ch Shujaat’s formula and part with just total amount of Rs 150 billion out of their share of the divisible pool of resources under the NFC Award for three months for making payment to the IPPs towards their circular debt and make them run according to their full installed power generation capacity.

The amount they would be so giving up to the federal government would just be in the form of a loan and would surely be given back to them in few months time.

The formula should be given due consideration and not be made yet another victim of politics and vested interests.

