Pull out from Siachen?


This is with reference to the statement by Mr Nawaz Sharif that ‘Pakistan should take lead in pulling out of Siachen’. Like most other statements by our politicians this statement also comes as a reaction to an event. But does it merit serious consideration? Will taking lead in pulling out our forces from Siachen compel India to do the same?

It has been three decades since both countries signed Simla Agreement. Has that helped Pakistan? Which dispute/issue have we been able to ‘solve bilaterally’ let alone take the lead in pulling out our forces and leave an open invitation to the Indians to take away further ‘what is left for us to hold in Siachen’. Militarily we can never depend upon the good intentions of the enemy. It is only its capability or lack of it that continues to draw our appropriate response. Lets not forget that India is the aggressor in Siachen, we only stopped the advancing Indian military that has occupied two third of Siachen Glacier. If anyone has to take lead in withdrawing forces from Siachen it is the Indians.

As a young captain when I served at the glacier occupying a post at 22000 feet the greatest motivational force or inspiration was to defend the borderline against any Indian aggression. Strong snow blizzards did not allow the evacuation of sick men from the post (pulmonary edema, cerebral edema) and men died without us being able to do anything. Many such brave men have died on so many posts over the years just because they loved their country and cherished the opportunity to guard the national border irrespective of the harshness of the terrain. They could not accept Indians to take away an inch of land that was now held with us.

Today when 138 sons of this land have sacrificed their lives why do we focus only on the tragedy and forget the cause for which they died? Why do we forget those unsung heroes in thousands who have died since last 28 years this war in Siachen is being fought? Why didn’t we take lead in withdrawing our forces in the years went by? If guarding and protecting our borders through our armed forces is not a national responsibility then why have borders at all? Why keep and maintain the defence forces?

Yes, we are faced with many challenges and threats. One big reason that we face these threats is to compel us to falter in our will and resolve that guides us to stay together as one nation. Force us to ultimately choose the only weapon that our enemies want us to pick and fight – compromise – the weapon of weak’. On vital national interests we should never unilaterally compromise because that’s what our enemies want us to do.

The best tribute that Mr Nawaz Sharif could have given to the martyrs of the Siachen was to salute the cause, believing in which the soldiers sacrificed their lives. To all the politicians who rule us today and who will rise to rule the people of this country in future I wish to convey a message. ‘Don’t send soldiers to wars as all wars are bad. But when you have chosen to send them don’t ever say the war you send them to fight is not worth fighting for’.

All wars must eventually end. The only wars without ends are the wars that the politicians perpetuate by failing to stop them from being fought on the negotiating tables.




  1. Good piece indeed. The so called intellectuals who talk about withdrawing from Siachen unilaterally do not realize the importance of Siachen. If we withdraw and India moves forward in Siachen, it can easily occupy Karakorum Highway (our ground route to China), K2 and can overlook the region of Gilgit-Baltistan. Not only this, but if India gets hold over Saltoro Ridge, it can limit our operations in Kargil possibly to grinding haults.
    Also, Siachen is a source of water for Pakistan. Its a glacier afterall. If India can get hold over Siachen and Kashmir as a whole, it can turn us into desert.
    So in the end, this isn't a pointless war afterall. If it were pointless, would India have spent 30 billion rupees on it since 1984? Would Pakistan have spent so much money on it despite being in economic crisis?
    Salutes to our soldiers.

  2. If anyone has to take lead in withdrawing forces from Siachen it is the Indians.138 sons of this land have sacrificed their lives ,why do we focus only on the TRAGEDY and forget the CAUSE for which they died? They were guarding us Pakistanis and we love and salute them. We agree with the writer and thank him for letting us know the facts.

  3. I admire your no hold bared honesty in writing this excellent article which is really a follow up to a identical question i posed to our newly turned wise ex prime minister in this very newspaper.I have always admired the junior officers who have sacrificed life and limb to protect us .I wish i could say the same about the seniors too! At the cost of offending you may i ask who got us into this mess. It was the COAS of the day Gen Zia. How could India train a brigade strength army to take over the peaks without the military intelligence knowing about it? it was only after they had taken 2/3 of siachin before we woke up and sent poorly acclamtised brave soldiers like you to face
    complications you mention ! Iassure you i know about them and what mayhem they
    cause. Now suddenly this kneejerk reaction to a terrible natural disaster which has nothing to do with the festering wound to do! Would Pakistan have offered to surrender it,s gain? NO ! We have been always caught napping.
    On the political side we have offered india Global position system garantee if they withdraw to the orginal position .The answer has been a firm NO. Accept the reality on the ground first. What else can we offer?
    Now we suddenly start discussing the economical cost–it is a irrelevant argument. My plea is let us guard our borders well and let us not score political points out of this disaster. Gen Zia said even grass does not grow on siachin but now we know who resides on the top and has a wild rose in the berret!
    Let us not have another disaster like Kargill and another weak prime minister like Shariff

  4. I admire your no hold bared honesty in writing this excellent article which is really a follow up to a identical question i posed to our newly turned wise ex prime minister in this very newspaper.I have always admired the junior officers who have sacrificed life and limb to protect us .I wish i could say the same about the seniors too! At the cost of offending you may i ask who got us into this mess. It was the COAS of the day Gen Zia. How could India train a brigade strength army to take over the peaks without the military intelligence knowing about it? it was only after they had taken 2/3 of siachin before we woke up and sent poorly acclamtised brave soldiers like you to face death and debilitating complications you mention. I assure you i know about these since i have treated them. On a military front we are in no win situation! We have offered to abide by Global Position System but India refuses to budge. I don,t blame it. Pakistan would have done the same undar similar circumstances. Their position is unaltered! Accept the ground realities. What cards have to play?
    Now we suddenly have started speaking about the economical burden!
    The politician have started scoring points .
    Gen Zia said that even grass did not grow on the top but now we know better about who resides up there waring a red rose in the ferret.
    Let us have no more kargills and no more weak PM like Nawaz Shariff.
    Let us guard our borders better or we will regret for ever !Amen

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