PPP’s diversionary politics


The main problems of poor people of Pakistan are poverty, health, education, justice, clean drinking water, hunger and security of life and property. Having been exploited either in the name of religion, roti, kapra aur makan and state security etc, they today have lost faith in both ruling elite and members of establishment.

For the past four years, the people have witnessed elected rulers hand in glove with paid bureaucracy, looting this country and involved in land grabbing, flight of capital, FBR missing containers, NICL scam, Railways, Ephedrine Scam, OGDC, Steel Mills, PIA etc.

After over four years and a half of rule, PPP with nothing to show as far as its performance and commitment to their manifesto, is now trying to divert attention by exploiting sentiments of the people with calls for more provinces. On the very day, when over 135 sons of Pakistan went missing under tons of snow in Siachen, it was business as usual, with our president embarking on a so-called private visit accompanied by a large delegation requiring two state owned aircrafts for transportation and paying $1 million as Nazrana from state funds, or his pocket, to a Saint known for his love of the poor.

What has PPP delivered to residents of Sindh, Balochistan and KP where it is in power in coalition with MQM, ANP, PML(F) and PML(Q). Other than those calling for creation of Hazara province, all the rest are trying to fool people, having been in power and delivered nothing except miseries. The call for Seraiki province is lead by all those feudal who have enjoyed power in past and except for exploitation and corruption have delivered nothing.

For instance if wall chalking demands for a separate unit for Karachi and Hyderabad are accepted, how can this resolve the problems of its citizens, when bhatta collection, target killing, street crimes, no-go areas and ethnic strife are creation of those who claim to be major stake holders.

Karachi and Hyderabad have a mixed ethnic composure, with no ethnic group which can claim numerical majority of 51 percent or more, unless this ruthless ethnic cleansing is allowed to continue unchecked.




  1. Seraiki Province under the Gillanis will become a paradise for drug addicts with CM House offering Ecstasy Pills to every tourist and whatever else they need.

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