Focus on education


Who is not familiar with the importance of education? Our Holy Prophet (PBUH) said that acquisition of education is necessary for both men and women. Education has great importance in Islam. With the passage of time the importance of education has grown to a great extent, especially in the last couple of years.

In developed countries, education is considered as an investment. The pace with which technological changes are taking place all over the world have revolutionised every aspect of human life. In order to cope up with these changes, one needs to be well educated.

Unfortunately, the educational field in our country has a lot of problems. Nothing has been done to introduce any big change in our educational system.

Firstly, our education system is not based on Islamic principles. With due respect, I would like to say that our education is too materialistic in its outlook. There is no harm in pursuing education from the West, but we should not forget that we are Muslims first and we have certain responsibilities.

The present confusion and corruption in the society can only be cured if people are familiarised with the teaching of Islam at a very young age.

Secondly, we should be aware of that fact that Pakistan is a developing country. We need doctors, engineers, agriculturist, specialist, expertise and more skilled workers in every field of life. The government should provide all facilities to in order to make people work harder and selflessly for the betterment of our country. We should have more technical education and colleges. This will solve the problem of unemployment to a great extent. Moreover, we will be able to get rid of foreign experts, who harm more than help.

Another major problem of our educational system is the use of old and obsolete curriculum. Most of the books are published by some foreign publisher. Some are published in Pakistan, but they are not up to date. They are not fulfilling the needs of present era and cannot compete with international standards. The learned men and scholars in the country must devote themselves to writing new books according to our social and cultural requirements. IT education should be given a considerable share in syllabus.

Our system is not a sure test of one’s ability. The system should discourage cram work and all possible steps should be taken to ensure originality of thoughts and an aptitude for research work.

It’s time now that all of us should analyse ourselves and should realise our duties and responsibilities towards Pakistan. We should envision to stand with the advanced and developed nations of the world.

