Our Siachin fight


Early morning Saturday, April 07, an avalanche of 1km×1km size, 60-80 feet thickness smashed into a Pakistan army camp on Siachin glacier, burying alive more than 124 soldiers and 11 civilians. Siachin glacier is world’s highest battlefield, 6000m above sea level, wherein winter temperature drops to minus70 Celsius with blizzards gusting at speed of 160km/hr.

Siachin glacier was part of Pakistani Kashmir since Indo-Pak war of 1948, however, Pakistan never kept its forces on the glacier in winter considering as unnecessary due to severe weather conditions. It was so until 1984’s winter when the Indians quietly moved their troops and occupied around 70 percent of the ice mountain. By this Pakistan was also forced to depute its forces throughout the year.

As per an estimate Indians are keeping a force of 5000 soldiers while Pakistan’s strength is about half of that. Both countries are spending US$ 400 – 500 million per year to keep their forces over there.

In local Balti language Siachin means ‘valley of roses’, not valley of death wherein more than 2000 soldiers have died due to extreme weather conditions.

As both countries realise that its waste of resources and unnecessary burden on the forces, they have held dozens of meetings in the past to discuss a possible withdrawal of forces from the glacier, nothing came out of these meetings – reason: ego, stubbornness, deficit of trust. Indians have refused to withdraw until Pakistan recognises its troops’ present position; India fears that in case of its withdrawal, Pakistan may move its soldiers to re-occupy the earlier lost territory.

Today the tragedy has struck Pakistani soldiers; tomorrow it could be with Indian forces, who knows. Then why can’t this glacier be demilitarised and made a mountain of peace?

Why can’t the political and military leaders on either side of the border take a back seat and let the sense to prevail – why to spend resources on a war which is of no use (unless it satisfies some egoist evil minds), why to expose the poor soldiers to severe weather, frost bite, inhospitable terrain and possible death. Perhaps both India and Pakistan may learn a lesson from this catastrophe and re-start the stalled dialogue on Siachin glacier and Sir Creek.


Jubail, Saudi Arabia


  1. I totally agree . Today 135 families lost a son , a husband & a father ! Is it worth it ?

  2. While we mourn the loss our brave countrymen, let us admit again it was our intelligence failure that led to Indian soldiers quietly ascending the Siachin Peaks. As yoy say 70% of the territory was occupied before some tourists made us aware of fait de accompli. If you were an indian would you give this back? In fact have they ever given anything back which they have acquired in the battle field or otherwise. Let us not daydream. Let it be a bitter lesson for the future. If we cannot our borders we are doomed — Period

  3. Indians are ready to withdraw but at their condition — Pakistan to recognize Indian' present position & Pakistan is not ready for it. Should this mean our soldiers continue to die in a futile war, we keep spending above $200million/ yr? Someone should convince us that Siachin is strategically important for Pakistan. As per Gen. Zia, Siachin is a place where even grass doesn’t grow. It's egoistic military leadership of both countries which is forcing a no-compromise position on the political leadership.

  4. Typical of Gen Zia to pass such a statement. What if a civilian Govt .had lost Siachen.?Are you suggesting appeasment.? As far as the death of our brave countrymen is concened i weep for them every day but let us not forget others who er dying every day on the lonely peaks in Wazirstan. Our soldiers are our heroes NOT the Generals.
    In India the political leadership listens to the military but makes a political decision –in Pakistan the military just replaces the political leadership if it does not agree Do i need to dilate.?

  5. No need to dilate —- someone said in India govt determines the age of army chief (ref recent dispute over Indian army chief age) but in Pakistan age of the govt is determined by—

  6. As far as the army and our great heroes are concerned,THEY ARE THE REAL PATRIOTIC ASSET OF PAKISTAN!!

  7. Mistrust between us take innocent lives. Yes it is true that it is today tragedy for Pakistan and may be tomorrow ours. Why we need to spend thousands of dollars per day by both India and pakistan for a place which is not viable for human being livings. The reason is the resources of indus river flow which is major irrigation for Pakistan which may be arrested by India if not protected military by Pakistan???? I dont think India will arrest the flow of Indus but it is true that due to military presence the nature of siachin is diminishing in turn to dry up the Indus River very soon.

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