Another honour


Apropos to news in your esteemed paper (27 March) that a 15-year-old student Moosa Feroz from Pakistan won a gold medal in an online mathematics competition held in Australia is another very important event in the history of Pakistan.

It is one of the greatest achievements for a Pakistani student to have earned this distinction while competing against five million children from 100 countries. This is the second big news after Arfa Karim (late) who earned the youngest Microsoft Certified Professional award in the world. The nation is proud of both having raised the image of Pakistan in the world.

This simply brings home one point that there is no dearth of talent in Pakistan. Given an opportunity to the boys, they can produce wonders. There are hundreds of such Moosa’s out there but never come in limelight due to defective system of education in the country. There is a need for the government to establish a proper “Youth Talent Hunt School” with educationists named from various schools of the country to look for such talented young students and put them together to shortlist the best out of the lot. This will further encourage young school children to put in their best in their respective fields of interest.

The government should honour this young student who brought good name to Pakistan in a befitting manner in a well-organised ceremony and also announce to bear his education expenditure up to university level. This step will certainly motivate others to excel in the education field. Congratulations to Moosa Feroz for bringing honour to Pakistan.

