Basant: a composite heritage


This world is a blend of divergence. Different societies are mixture of different casts, creeds, colours, faiths, and other diversities. This is also a human dilemma to appreciate similarity. Dissimilarity is often disapproved rather men try to destroy the unlikeness. This is the major psychology hidden behind different wars and genocides.

Composite heritage, though a new terminology, can play a role of binding agent in this regard. One might not find detailed definition of this phenomenon in dictionary or on internet but Manual of Composite Heritage compiled by Dr Khurshid Anwar, can provide thorough information about said topic.

Composite Heritage includes events, festivals, celebrations, personalities, cultures, customs, tradition, hobbits, language, art, architect, etc, any other thing which can be owned by different segments of society in an area without any kind of bone of contention. This scene of ownerships brings acceptance, regard and respect for dissimilarities. Here one should not mix this phenomenon with hazards of globalization. Religion can play important role in this regard yet in some cases, blend of religion with composite heritage works as an inverse agent and mostly fire back.

For example if we take example of Basant festival, as far as my understanding regarding this issue is concerned, Basant can be tagged as composite heritage. However, it is called non-religious, prohibited event. Many decrees have been issued against celebrations of this festival yet there is some ground facts which make this opposition justified. Many people have lost their live as string which is normally covered with glass powder used to cut down other kites usually slit the throats of passers-by or bike riders. Moreover, grudges and patty fights on cutting other’s kites turn into serious clashes which turn this cultural festival into controversial event.

But in my opinion, this event can be made profit earning business activity with the help of some precautionary measures and management this loophole can be crammed. Rather smuggling chemical string, kites and other accessories of Basant from neighbour countries, local market could be given the chance and by this mean income generation and small level business industry can flourish on local level.

Tourism can also be promoted through Basant festival as a great number of foreigners are keen to enjoy this festival with its local touch. But in present scenario, this is need of time that government should not allow foreigners like Raymond Davis to enter in Pakistan, and masses of Pakistan also should behave reasonably and should not treat foreigner as Raymond Davis.

It’s a high time we should draw a fine line between so called fanaticism and religion. We, entertainment starved nation badly need some opportunities to get together and have some fun according to our religion and customs. Our religion does not deprive us from the right of being happy.

Otherwise one should not forget that majority of youth has been inspired and attracted towards terrorism and playing in the hands of religious fanatics. They should not have been used on the name of religion in any case. As religion dislike extreme of any kind.

In current discussion on Friday, March 16, 2012 in Supreme Court of Pakistan arguments were given that a sport cannot be blamed if a person playing it dies. People die in traffic accidents but driving has not been banned, cricket would not be banned if someone were to die after being hit with the ball.

Kite flying was regulated under the Punjab Prohibition of Kite Flying Ordinance 2001. However, activity had been banned in 2010 by the Lahore High Court. Kite-flying should continue, but in accordance with the law. What remains to be seen is whether the number of deaths caused from kite flying declines as a result of regulation.

Another measure in this regard is vital that people should be tolerant to each others as it is taught by religion and civilization. If Basant festival is celebrated as a composite heritage and owned by the different segments of society, then it would turn out into an entertaining occasion.




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