Still defiant?


The latest refusal of our PM to write the letter which may amount to disobedience may have some very worrisome consequences. The SC may not be able to show extra patience and may have to take (God forbid) some very drastic steps. The ruling PPP who are keen to show more defiance after winning the majority in the Senate, are more likely to extend support to President Zardari.

Should such defiance by the PM be counted towards his party loyalty if it comes at the cost of fair justice? Would the common people not take a cue from their leader and disobey the courts as well? If so, would not this be the first step towards damaging rule of law leading to anarchy in Pakistan? Legal experts and political experts from our intelligentsia should come up with a compromise that could bring the country out of this constitutional impasse.

There are two big and disturbing questions now: 1. What if the SC invokes Section 190 to have their orders implemented? 2. What if the SC decides to resign en masse due to the present crisis?

May The Almighty God guide us to safety and wisdom.

