Labour unions’ miseries


Undoubtedly, miseries of labour unions are increasing with the passage of time. There is no proper legislation in this regard. Inefficient salaries, health matters, bonuses, pension, and regularisation are the basic problems of labours in the country. It is a fact that labourers of the country are getting minimum salaries which are less than what is a minimum legitimate demand of a normal life. This is a serious matter as to how a labourer getting 7000 salary runs his six-member family in this time of price-hikes?
I suggest that the government should make a body in this regard in order to resolve the issues of labour unions. The body should the role of mediation between the unions and employer and protect the rights of labourers. The employers are hiring the workforce on contract basis and are firing without any notice.
The government should implement the policy on governmental departments as well as private sector.