Anti-polio campaign


Just recently, India eradicated polio. Despite having overpopulated slums where poverty sustains, the campaigns were successful and reached every child. Pakistan still remains in the league of polio affected three countries of the world. World Health Organisation (WHO) has clarified rumours that the vaccine being used to eradicate polio globally is verified and checked by the WHO and it has nothing to do with any type of transmission to any child.

Polio is contagious and can be transmitted to anyone at any age. Just like terrorism and weapons, polio is said to have been most likely spread from Pakistan to China and Afghanistan.

It’s our dilemma that most of the western things benefitting mankind are linked to religious misconceptions. It’s not only happening in Fata, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and tribal areas opposing polio campaigns but a number of educated individuals are also showing resistance in cities.

China crossed the population mark of one billion, eradicated polio after conducting just four campaigns. This example is undeniable, proving the falseness of rumours about polio vaccines linked with infertility. In Pakistan more than hundred campaigns have been conducted but it still remains polio infected.

What’s keeping us away from the eradication of polio is the non seriousness and lack of accountability towards the campaigns. It’s ridiculous that children as young as seven years of age are hired for these campaigns on basis of nepotism. It has been more than eighteen years since Pakistan is battling against polio. It’s going to take a lot more than just campaigns, people need to realise that Pakistan has already earned negative reputation but supporting polio campaigns is something in the hands of a common man. Surely no parent wants to see their child handicapped by refusing just a few drops. Religious clerics need to show their support to polio campaigns.




  1. Many well educated and good intentioned Pakistani's are very naive and gullible. Henry Kissinger in memorandum 200 clearly stated that countries like Pakistan would be targeted for population reduction, and things like food would be weaponised.
    Polio Vaccine contains other viruses which can trigger cancer, and other illness's. The outbreak of AIDS in africa coincided with areas where the people were given the polio vaccine. The World Health Organisation has been caught sterilising women with vaccines in Philippines etc. please do some proper research before you speak.

  2. No doubt evidence has shown that Oral Polio Vaccine has succeed in controlling the transmission of "Wild (Natural) Polio virus in the developed countries, but the fact is that OPV after all carries a risk of post vaccination threat of vaccine derived polio and vaccine associated polio myelitis to the recipient child and other members of the house hold. USA has abandoned the use of OPV since 2000 in childhood population just to avoid the risk of Vaccine Associated Polio Myelitis (VAPP) Paralysis and Vaccine drived Polio.(VDP)
    Many other developed countries in fact don't use OPV in their country just to avoid the risk of VDP.
    If we (Developing Country) chooses to continue the Polio immunization Program with the OPV (Oral Polio Virus Vaccine) with out assessing and examining the health status of the recipient child.and his or her family members then there would remain a risk of OUT BREAK of Vaccine Derived Polio (VDP), very soon.
    VAPP – (Vaccine Associated Poliomyelitis Paralysis) is another risk that is related to OVP
    Might be not every one, but who knows how many from us would be the victim of oral polio vaccine virus directly or indirectly. According to a study – 300 cases of VAPP per year would be expected.
    Big Question is- If once all the babies and children would have been immunized completely against the natural polio virus country wide. and a certificate of Polio free Pakistan was issued by the authorities monitoring and watching the polio immunization program in our country than How Would it Be Possible to spread VAPP (Vaccine Associated Polio Virus) in every House hold of Our Country .
    Ans is- Because of, heavy load of "Live (Though Weak) but potent "Polio Virus" in the tissues of a over vaccinated baby or child . On the other hand if with the family history if immunodeficient (Leukemia , Lymphoma) imunocompromised , imunosuppressed Children and babies were exposed to the live oral polio virus would become the carrier of vaccine derived polio and these children would become to pose a real threat to their close contacts,like parents, siblings, friends and school class mates who were adv. to ingest Corticosteroids, Alkylating Drugs, Anti metabolites prior to OPV by any physician or Consultant for any other medical condition than such babies or children would become a great source of spreading the Oral Polio Virus Vaccine induced Polio Infection in the suburbs and cities of Pakistan by shedding (VDPV) Vaccine Derived Polio Virus in their excreta. and that is a risk of Vaccine Associated Paralysis after Oral Polio Virus Vaccine over exposure in any region.
    May be my information regarding Polio Vaccination would be wrong but my request would be to you that kindly do not Ignore this post, and do some research before it got too late to find a appropriate remedy for VAPP cases.

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